General eBook Questions

What file format are your ebooks?

9Kafe offers our eBooks as EPUB, MOBI/PRC, and PDF files.

What software do I need to read an eBook?

– To read MOBI/PRC files, you can download the latest version ofΒ Kindle for PC here, orΒ Kindle for MAC here.
– To read EPUB files, you can download the latest version of the freeΒ Adobe Digital Editions here or read in browser at πŸ‘‰: https://vietrick.com/apps/epub-reader/.
– To read PDF files, you can download the latest version of the freeΒ Adobe Acrobat Reader here.

Is any special hardware needed to read an eBook?

No special equipment is required. Almost any computer with an Internet connection can be used.

Compatible devices

E-books purchased from IT Governance websites can be downloaded and read on computers, iPads, iPhones, Android devices and smartphones, and e-readers, by downloading and installing the relevant software/apps.

Is any special hardware needed to read an eBook?

No special equipment is required. Almost any computer with an Internet connection can be used.

Are all books available in eBook format?

Yes. Our books/novel are published as eBooks.

Can I print an eBook?

eBooks are designed to be read on screen and cannot be printed out.

Compatible devices

E-books purchased from IT Governance websites can be downloaded and read on computers, iPads, iPhones, Android devices and smartphones, and e-readers, by downloading and installing the relevant software/apps.

 Desktop/laptopiPad/iPhoneAndroid devicesKindle
Mobi (for Kindle)βœ…βœ…βœ…βœ…
Adobe eBookβœ…βœ…βœ…βŒ
eBook format compatiable

Note: Since 2023, the Kindle with latest software update supporting ePub format.

Downloading eBooks

How do I download an eBook?

Once you click through the download button at the bottom page, you go to the download page of eBook. The available download links are listed. Click on the appropriate link to download the file, then save it to your computer.

What if I change computers/devices?

If you need to move the eBook to another computer or device after the download period, you may transfer it by any means available to you. The eBook on 9Kafe always available for you to download for free 😍.

May I share my eBooks with others?

Unless the copyright statement within the eBook specifies otherwise, all of the content is copyrighted by 9Kafe.

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