The World After The Fall

The World After The Fall

4.7 / 523 ratings Author:
247 chapters Completed Status epub Format

Chapter 247: Ouroboros (3) - Epilogue

Jaehwan was a normal person who was buying chips at his local convenience store. Suddenly, weird towers appeared across the globe, summoning people within.

Jaehwan accepted the summons, witnessed monsters decimate his homeworld, and prevailed against the 100 levels and their respective boss monsters. At the end, he realized the Tower was an illusion, and that humanity was never destroyed.

Now he fights against the people who created the Towers, which are cultivation methods for the Gods and the Lords. As he fights them all, Jaehwan swears to destroy the system and the world that wronged him.

His final enemy is Big Brother, the master of the System itself.

Main character background

Jaehwan is a young, South Korean male who was summoned to the Tower of Nightmares, a large construct consisting of 100 floors brimming with perilous monsters.

Jaehwan’s sole mission is climbing the Tower and saving humanity, which suffers from “Tower Impacts.” As he does, he loses his allies and friends until he’s the only one that remains.

Throughout the story, Jaehwan is shown as a headstrong individual that obeys his own rules. He questions authority and regards the world with suspicion. This leads him to have a stubborn attitude and a cold demeanor.

This headstrong and stubborn attitude makes Jaehwan (at times) act childish, such as how he deals with issues and how he interacts with people. His first solution is (usually) stabbing or killing. Like a child, he is short with answers, explains little, and acts aloof, which often creates misunderstandings.

Jaehwan is crippled with loneliness. After everyone abandoned him in the Tower of Nightmares (either by dying or returning to the past) he became a withdrawn person. Soon after, he dedicated himself to advancing towards the future. Due to this ideal, Jaehwan mostly works alone, and he will leave others behind if they hold him back.

Despite this, Jaehwan is a kind person. He is rough around the edges, but he still cares about people. When he killed the Greens after entering Chaos, he buried their antennae, presumably as a show of respect for the dead.

After becoming the Castle Lord, he worked hard to teach and strengthen the Leaders of the Ten-Clan. With Meikail Garnard’s help, Jaehwan also created his own Tower; he did this so the citizens of Gorgon could become stronger.

Before Jaehwan was summoned into the Tower, he was serving in the South Korean military, which is a mandatory requirement for the country’s men.

It is unknown if he willingly entered the service, or if he was mandated to do so, but it is known that he achieved the rank of Sergeant in the webnovel. In the manhwa, he achieved the rank of Corporal.

As Jaehwan was serving in a battalion, an abused soldier killed his fellow squadmates and superior officers, but spared Jaehwan. The soldier killed everyone else because he was suffering from mistreatment, but didn’t kill Jaehwan because he did not participate in the abuse.

Jaehwan stumbled upon the incident. After the abused soldier killed everyone and spared Jaehwan, he committed suicide. Before he did, he looked at Jaehwan and said, “Thank you for everth…” but couldn’t say the last word. Jaehwan witnessed everything and realized he wasn’t killed by his own gun. How the shooter acquired Jaehwan’s rifle is unknown.

Shortly after, other military forces approached the scene and apprehended Jaehwan. He was the only survivor of the incident. The high-ranking officers of the battalion (who presumably weren’t around when the shooting occurred) were terminated from their service.

Jaehwan was put on trial, but his innocence was proven after it was discovered he did not participate in the abuse of the rogue soldier. He was detained for 15 days, and summoned into the Tower of Nightmares shortly thereafter after being released.

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TitleThe World After The Fall

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